Responsive Invoice Finance
Businesses in general, regardless of size, can use straplines to encompass many wants and needs. Be it for a full marketing campaign, political agenda, or even to just simply make their email signature look more appealing. These messages can often be lost because it means nothing to the Client, or else the business does not follow its own message correctly.
The SME world has evolved hugely over the past 20 years. Most notably is the rise of the “challenger” banks and a ferocious push towards a digital and automated world – that we now accept and try to utilise to the benefit of business.
A modern-day business will use a variety of different tools available to them in order to achieve a desired outcome. Whether this be social media platforms to promote their business, or online systems that can access anything from accessories, working assets or (dare we say it) cashflow finance – and use it at a speed that suits the pace of today’s Client demands.
Whilst most businesses need to be “digital” & “automated” to survive in today’s market, there is still room for personal relationships when looking at funding.
4Syte’s message is clear. “A Rapid Response, with a Human Touch” means we can act at the pace of a fully automated system, but provide complete personal accountability where relationships are paramount. We don’t need to hide behind algorithms, tick lists, or layers of process built over time that muddies the waters.
Our message remains; it’s the DNA of 4Syte that will keep us ahead of the competition, and it will ensure that we keep on delivering for our Clients and Introducers alike.